The Code for Loan Shark

                        function getValues() {
                            let loanAmount = document.getElementById("loanAmt").value;
                            let numberOfPayments = document.getElementById("numPayments").value;
                            let interestRate = document.getElementById("interestRate").value;
                            loanAmount = parseFloat(loanAmount);
                            numberOfPayments = parseFloat(numberOfPayments);
                            interestRate = parseFloat(interestRate);
                            if (!Number.isNaN(loanAmount) && !Number.isNaN(numberOfPayments) && !Number.isNaN(interestRate)) {
                                let loanArray = calculateValues(loanAmount, numberOfPayments, interestRate);
                            } else {
                                alert("You must enter valid numbers");
                        function calculateValues(loanAmount, numberOfPayments, interestRate) {
                            let returnArray = [];
                            let remainingBalance = loanAmount;
                            let totalInterestPaid = 0;
                            for (let i = 1; i <= numberOfPayments; i++) {
                                let monthlyPayment = (loanAmount * ((interestRate / 1200) / (1 - Math.pow(1 + (interestRate / 1200), (numberOfPayments * -1)))));
                                let interestPaid = remainingBalance * (interestRate / 1200);
                                let principalPaid = monthlyPayment - interestPaid
                                totalInterestPaid += interestPaid;
                                remainingBalance -= principalPaid;
                            document.getElementById("monthlyPayment").innerHTML = `$${returnArray[1].toFixed(2)}`;
                            document.getElementById("totalPrincipal").innerHTML = `$${loanAmount}`;
                            document.getElementById("totalInterest").innerHTML = `$${totalInterestPaid.toFixed(2)}`;
                            let totalCost = totalInterestPaid + loanAmount;
                            document.getElementById("totalCost").innerHTML = `$${totalCost.toFixed(2)}`;
                            return returnArray;
                        function displayResults(loanArray) {
                            let tableBody = document.getElementById("results");
                            let templateRow = document.getElementById("outputTemplate");
                            tableBody.innerHTML = "";
                            for (let index = 0; index < loanArray.length; index += 6) {
                                let tableRow = document.importNode(templateRow.content, true);
                                let rowCols = tableRow.querySelectorAll("td");
                                rowCols[0].textContent = loanArray[index];
                                rowCols[1].textContent = loanArray[index + 1].toFixed(2);
                                rowCols[2].textContent = loanArray[index + 2].toFixed(2);
                                rowCols[3].textContent = loanArray[index + 3].toFixed(2);
                                rowCols[4].textContent = loanArray[index + 4].toFixed(2);
                                rowCols[5].textContent = loanArray[index + 5].toFixed(2);

The Code is structed into three function.


This function declares variables to hold the user enter data from the page’s form. It validates the values by parsing them and if they’re not valid it alerts the user. Otherwise, it passes the values to the calculateValues() function and passes the returned array to the displayResults() function.


This function declares variables to track the remaining balance and interest paid. It loops through the number of payments entered by the user and calculates the monthly payment, updates the interest and principal paid, and stores it in an array. It takes these numbers and updates the document, finally returning the array with the stored data.


This function receives the array of values to be entered into the table. It retrieves the template from the document and loops through the array six indexes at a time. It inserts the values into the snippets and appends them to the table body.